Singapore Math Curriculum

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison: Math in Focus Vs Primary Mathematics Vs Dimensions Math

Math in Focus, Primary Mathematics, and Dimensions Math are three Singapore Math curriculums used in schools and homeschooling families in the United States. In this post, we review these three different Singapore Math curriculums for Grades 1 to 6.

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison and Review: Math in Focus Vs Primary Mathematics Vs Dimensions Math

Math in Focus 

Math in Focus (MIF) is the U.S. version of Singapore’s mathematics program My Pals are Here! which is currently used in Singapore. Math in Focus is distributed in the U.S. through Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

The Math in Focus curriculum covers Grades K to 8. Math in Focus offers comprehensive material to support schools and homeschool students. Math in Focus offers material and resources to support differentiated learning. Math in Focus is also available in Spanish.

Math in Focus has come up with a revised version for 2020. In the latest revision, Math in Focus © 2020, is said to be the program’s most extensive revision since its  2009 release.

The latest version can be purchased from the distributor’s website. Printed material is not yet widely available from other online retailers for the 2020 edition. There is some material that you can only purchase from the publisher as an educator. You can also purchase the new version from Rainbow Resource.

In summary, the resources available for Math in Focus (old version) are:

Math in Focus Homeschool

The cost of adopting Math in Focus as your Singapore Math homeschool curriculum would vary according to the materials you would get.  Math in Focus provides the most resources available for homeschoolers as compared to the other two curricula. The teacher’s guide compared to the other two curricula is the most expensive. The prices for the textbooks and workbooks would vary depending on the edition. Parents can also find good bargains for second-hand material on eBay or Amazon. Buying in bundles can also result in savings.

The cost of 2 teacher’s guides (A & B), 2 textbooks (A & B), and 2 workbooks (A & B) could cost approximately $250 to $300 for editions prior to 2020.


Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison

Math in Focus Grade 3 Homeschool Package (with Answer Key)

Math in Focus Grade 3 Homeschool Package (with Answer Key)

Math in Focus 2020

Textbook Sample Pages

Below are sample pages from the Math in Focus textbook. The textbook is in full color. Features in the Math in Focus textbooks consists of “Recall Prior Knowledge”, “Math Talk”, “Math Sharing”, “Games”, “Math Journal”, “Put on Your Thinking Cap”, Chapter Wrap Up”, “Chapter Review”, “Assessment Prep” and “STEAM Project Work”. Check out the thumbnails for more details. Math in Focus has the most features compared with the other curriculums. One difference is that there are more worked examples in the Math in Focus textbooks as compared to Primary Mathematics. Some parents prefer Math in Focus worked examples and some prefer the more lean approach to Primary Mathematics.

Supplemental and Support Materials that are available for Math in Focus 2020 are:




Primary Mathematics

There are three editions to Primary Mathematics to serve the diverse needs of the students and schools in the United States. Primary Mathematics was adapted to the U.S. market by Singapore Math, Inc. Primary Mathematics does not offer any online learning tools.

Related Post: Primary Mathematics U.S. Edition Review

Primary Mathematics U.S. Edition (Grades 1 – 6)

Primary Mathematics U.S. edition was modeled after the original program used in Singapore in the 1980s, but with U.S. measurements and currency. Primary Mathematics is no longer used in Singapore.

In summary, the resources available for Primary Mathematics U.S. Edition Grades 1 to 6 are:



Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison

Primary Mathematics U.S. Edition

Primary Mathematics U.S Edition Textbook

The Primary Mathematics 4A textbook is in dual-color (black and blue). Click on the thumbnails to see some of the sample pages.



Primary Mathematics Standards Edition (Grades 1 – 6)

The Primary Mathematics Standards edition was written to meet the 2006 Mathematics Contents Standards for California Public School issued prior to the Common Core State Standards.

In summary, the resources available for Primary Mathematics U.S. Edition Grades 1 to 6 are:

Primary Mathematics Standards Edition

Primary Mathematics Common Core Edition (Grades 1 – 5)

The Primary Mathematics Common Core edition was written to align with Common Core State Standards.

In summary, the resources available for Primary Mathematics U.S. Edition Grades 1 to 5 are:

Primary Mathematics Common Core Edition

Primary Mathematics 2022

Click here for more details on the 2022 Primary Mathematics Curriculum

The original Primary Mathematics was introduced to schools and used for homeschooling in 1999. Over the years, Primary Mathematics was adapted and updated to align with the United States Standards.

Now, a new, improved, and updated Primary Mathematics program has been created and will also be aligned to U.S Standards and also incorporate the latest thinking in the teaching and learning of Singapore Mathematics. Primary Mathematics has material to Grade 6.

Dr. Kho Tek Hong, who was part of the team that came up with the original Primary Mathematics also headed the team of nine curriculum specialists to come up with the new Primary Mathematics 2022.

Click here for more details on the 2022 Primary Mathematics Curriculum

Primary Mathematics Homeschool

Primary Mathematics is pretty popular with homeschoolers since it was the first Singapore Math curriculum available for the U.S. market. A home instructor’s guide is available for Primary Mathematics to help parents implement the curriculum.

The cost of implementation is pretty reasonable. The cost of 2 textbooks (A & B), 2 workbooks (A & B), and 2 instructor’s/ teacher’s guide (A & B) would cost approximately $100 to $200. Costs would depend on the edition chosen.

Primary Mathematics Homeschool


Dimensions Math

Dimensions Math is published by Singapore Math Inc. and was designed to cater to the needs of U.S. teachers and students and said to be a sequel to Primary Mathematics. The Dimensions Math program explains concepts in a new format as compared to Primary Mathematics and includes “Think”, “Learn”, “Do”, “Exercise”, “Practice” and “Do”. The Dimensions Math curriculum covers grades PK to 8. According to Singapore Math Inc, Dimensions Math was created by their team of teachers and experts, offers expanded teaching materials, and covers the common core standards.

In summary, the resources available for Dimensions Math are:

Dimensions Math Textbook

Here are some sample pages from the Dimensions Math textbook. You can use it and compare how the topics are presented as compared to Math in Focus and Primary Mathematics.

Dimensions Math Homeschool

Dimensions Math is the newest publication by Singapore Math Inc. The cost of implementation is reasonable. The cost of 2 textbooks (A & B), 2 workbooks (A & B), and 2 teacher’s guides (A & B) cost approximately $100.


Dimensions Math Kit

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison

Chapters and Sequence Comparison

Below are the chapters covered and the sequence of chapters.  The different curricula arrange and title their topics differently. For more detailed information on the details of what is covered in each chapter, refer to the individual curriculum material.

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 1

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 1

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 1

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 2

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 2

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 2

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 3

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 6

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 4

Dimensions Math Vs Primary Mathematics Vs Math in Focus

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 5

Singapore Math Curriculum Comparison Grade 6


Choosing the Best Singapore Math Curriculum.

Choosing the right curriculum would depend on your needs and preference. The best curriculum is the one that works best for your child. Some things to consider would be:

Cost: In terms of cost, the price of textbooks and workbooks don’t differ too much between these curriculums. Math in Focus teacher’s guides cost more but they are also more comprehensive.

Delivery. All these curriculums have physical workbooks and textbooks.

Content, Layout, and Features. Which do you prefer in terms of how the content is presented, laid out, and broken down for learning, and how in-depth do they go? How many examples are presented in the textbooks? Pick the one best suited for your child.

Additional and Supplemental Material: Do you plan on getting any additional material such as assessments, tests, enrichment, extra practice, or other material to enhance learning? Check out that curriculum to see what they offer.

Other: If your homeschool co-op is using a certain curriculum, it could be best to use that curriculum for consistency.



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Singapore Math Learning Center

At Singapore Math Learning Center, we provide online tutoring and online courses to those who are using any Singapore Math curriculums or who are interested in the Singapore Math method. For a free math assessment, please contact us.

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